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Second Parish Court Jefferson Parish

Paying a ticket is the same as pleading guilty and can affect your insurance rates!
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Having to go to second parish court in Jefferson Parish can be a pain for many busy people. If you have a ticket there you can expect to have to go at least two times to have it resolved. This can be very frustrating for people that have to work or take care of their families. That is the first reason of why it makes sense to hire a traffic attorney. We can go to court for you to save your valuable time. In most cases you will be able to skip going to court while we advocate on your behalf.

Many people want to pay their ticket and have it done with and that could be a huge mistake. When you pay your ticket you are pleading guilty and putting a moving violation on your driving record. This can make your insurance rates increase and cost you more money for several years at a minimum.

2nd Parish Court

Like I mentioned earlier most people will have to go to traffic court on two occasions. At the bottom of your ticket you will see a date that you must attend court. That is your arraignment day and on that day you will either plead guilty or request a trial date by pleading not guilty. Most of the time you can go early and set your ticket for trial but I would suggest calling the Jefferson parish clerk of court and ask if your ticket has been accepted. If so then you can go early and request a trial date.

On your trial date you will have the opportunity to speak with the district attorney. This will be your change to ask for a reduction on your case. If you can come to an agreement your case will be over and you will plead guilty to a lesser charge or your case may be dismissed. If you cannot come to an agreement you will have to go to trial. Many times the judge will give you a third date for your trial date. Dealing with traffic tickets can take lots of your time and that is why it is important to hire an attorney that is experienced in dealing with these cases and can free up your time.

Where is the Second Parish Traffic Court Located?

The Second Parish Traffic Court is located at 100 Huey P Long Ave, Gretna, LA 70053. You will see it right across the street from the River Shack.

Why it makes sense to hire a traffic lawyer!

  • If you pay that ticket you are pleading guilty and putting your driving record in danger.
  • We go to court for you! Yes most of the time you can skip going to court once you have hired an attorney
  • We fight to get your ticketed dismissed or reduced to a non moving violation (insurance rates won’t go up!)
  • We can also get fee’s reduced in many cases.
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